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The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart held their weekly sale of Primestock in Dumfries on Wednesday 11th January 2012.

52 Prime Cattle – Trade for all classes looked easier.
Lightweight Heifers Limousin to 215.5p from J & N Beattie, Woodfield to R Johnstone & Sons Butchers, Annan, 211.5p Gardrum, Eastriggs to J Kerr & Son, Butchers, Gretna, 209.5p Balgrayhill, Lockerbie to John Scott Meats (Paisley) Ltd, 208.5p Balgrayhill, Lockerbie to Ballard Butchers, Castle Douglas, 205.5p Dinnins, Whithorn to John Scott Meats (paisley) Ltd.
Heavyweight Heifer Limousin to 209.5p(x2) from J & J Campbell, Dinnins both to Border Meats, Lockerbie, 208.5p Balgrayhill, Lockerbie to Grierson Bros Butchers, Castle Douglas, 204.5p UpperTinwald, Dumfries to R Johnstone & Son Butchers, Annan, 203.5p Gardrum, Eastriggs to Border Meats, Lockerbie.
Top Gross Heifer £1264.00
Bullocks Limousin to 205.5p from Kenmuir farms, Ardwell to Border Meats, Lockerbie.
Top Gross Bullock £1507.38 Waterside

5 Prime Bulls: Trade firm, short of requirements all dairy bred. Limousin 170.5p Barwinnock, Simmental 167.5p Barwinnock, Holstein 152.5p Barwinnock.
Top Gross Bull £1057.10 Barwinnock.

98 OTM Cattle: Trade for all classes maintained recent good rates.
Per head cows
Charolais £1107.60, No 4 Nether Locharwoods, Limousin £1080.45, £1064.55 Drumbreddan, £1034.55 UpperTinwald.
Angus £1053, £983.40 Drumbreddan
Hereford £1016, Park
Holstein Friesian £1070.55, £1044, £1013.60, Slacks, £989, £982.80 Shawsmuir.
Montbelliard £1006.50 Upper Portrack
Bullock Limousin £1127.25, £990.85 Conheath.
Per Kilo Cows
Limousin 171p UpperTinwald, 147p, 139p Drumbreddan.
Angus 142p Druidhall, 137p Milton, 141p Drumbreddan.
Charolias 142p Netherlocharwoods
Simmental 132p Dinnins, 132p Cormaddie
Holstein Friesian 129p Bruntshields, 129p Slacks, 122p Park, 120p Slacks, 119p Mid Bishopton.
Limousin 167p Conheath
Charolais 165p Skipmyre

1325 Prime Sheep forward. Export weight Hoggs met keen competition whilst hoggs over 44 kg were harder to sell, mixed offering forward. Sale average 199p kg
Texel hoggs to £92 Dinnins, 90.50 Leithenhall, 88.50 West Lanegate.
Suffolk Hoggs to £91 Dinnins, £90.50 Nether Barr, £89.50 Swyre.
Beltex to £91 Midtown, £90 Rigghead
Per Kilo
Texel 222p Midtown, 215p Martingirth
Beltex 220p Midtown, 219 Rigghead
Suffolk 229p Abune The Brae
Blackface 207p Glenwhargen
Cheviot 210p Archwood

407 Cast Ewes and Rams. Trade every bit as dear as previous weeks
Ewes per head
Texel £121.5 Mid Town, £110.50 NetherKeir, £99.5 Druidhall
Suffolk £115.5 Martingirth, £93.50 Nether Gribton, £92.50 Druidhall
HalfBred £99.50 West Lanegate, £91.50 Cushag
Mule £90.50 Martingirth, £90 Dinnins, £84.50 Kenmuir.
Blackface £67.50 Kenmuir, £67 Carnochan, £65.50 Foregirth
Suffolk £122.50, NetherBarr £111.50 Margaret Drive
Leicester £110.50 Leithenhall
Texel £100 Leithenhall
Blackface £72.50 Dornal

Dumfries Mart, Huntingdon Road, Dumfries DG1 1NF Tel : 01387 279495
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