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The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward 47 prime cattle, 3 young bulls, 22 over thirty month cattle, 81 spring lambs, 6,070 prime hoggs and 3,995 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 5th May, 2011.

Prime cattle continued to maintain recent rates. Limousin x heifers sold to 204.5p per kilo from R. Neill, Upper Tinwald, 200p Dashwell Green both to W. Kirkup, Butcher, Longtown, others 194.5p, 193.5p, 191.5p, 190.5p Dashwell Green, 191.5p Hallburn; Charolais 185.5p Hallburn, 184.5p Sceughdyke. Limousin bullocks to 193.5p Houghton House, 192.5p, 191.5p Upper Tinwald, 190.5p, 189.5p Houghton House, 185.5p The Gill; British Blue 188.5p The Gill.

Heifers to £1,175.88 Upper Tinwald, £1,090.13 Sceughdyke.

Bullocks to £1,301.25 The Gill, £1,291.33 Sceughdyke, £1,272.18 The Gill, £1,267.78 Sceughdyke, £1,266.83 Houghton House.

22 OTM cattle saw trade good for all classes.
Holstein Friesian £1,082.50 Horsegills, £936 Halltown; Limousin £931 Moss Side, £1,013.80 High Floweryhirst; British Blue £931.60 Greystoke.

Per kilo – Angus 157p Potholm; Limousin 148p High Floweryhirst, 140p Moss Side, 136p Greystoke; Holstein 145p Horsegills, 126p Jerriestown, 121p Brisco Hill, 120p Halltown and High Floweryhirst; Charolais 143p Swaites; Shorthorn 131p Brisco Hill.

At the opening show & sale of Spring Lambs, 81 head were forward. The show was ably judged by Mr R. Booth who awarded the Championship in both the singles and the pairs to Hazel Martindale, Land Farm. The single weighted 43 kilos and realised £131.50 (305.8p/kilo) to Pak Mecca Meats. The pairs weighed 52 kilos and realised £136.50 (262p/kilo) also to Pak Mecca Meats. The lambs averaged 259p per kilo overall and more lambs are required regularly.

Top price of 316p per kilo for Texels from J. Jardine, Yett and to a top of £136.50 per head for Texels from H. Martindale, The Land, others £131.50 The Land, £126.50, £122.50 Yett; Suffolk £128.50 Bankhead of Tinwald, £118.50 The Land; Charollais £122.50, £111.50 Fowrass; Oxford £109.50 Guards; Zwartbles £108.50 Woodhousehill; Dorset £103.50 Edge Farm.

A massive show of 6,070 prime hoggs met an animated trade to a full ring of buyers all keen for good meated hoggs. Messrs Fisher, Smalmstown sold 330 Blackface hoggs to average 43kilos, £104.50 and 240p/kilo. Messrs Miller, Eycott sold 485 Blackface and Cheviot hoggs to average 36 kilos, £90.56 and 250.5p/kilo. Messrs Errington sold 778 hoggs of all classes to average 39 kilos, £94.07 and 237p/kilo. Messrs Mulgrew, Walney Island sold 213 Cheviot, Blackface and Suffolk hoggs to average 45 kilos, £110.36 and 241.1p/kilo.

The overall sale average was 238p per kilo and the sale was topped at 273p per kilo for Beltex from Mosshall with a top per head of £142.50 for Texels from Drinkstone, others £136.50 Catslackburn, £134.50 Broomhills (Baty) and Woodhead; Charollais £129.50, £128.50, £126.50 Lydden Court; Suffolk £124.50 Lydden Court and Drinkstone, £122.50 Stackbraes; Hill Cheviot £118.50 Bloan and Dryfeholm, £116.80 Bloan, £116.50 High Knells and Blackwoodridge House; North Country Cheviot £115.50 Blackhaugh, £113.50 Broomhills (Marrs), £110.50 Philiphaugh; Greyface £113.50 Stoneraise, £109.50, £109.20 Bridge House; Blackface £113.50 Smalmstown, £112.50 North Deanhead, £111.50 Smalmstown; Beltex £104.50 Mosshall, £96.50 Stackbraes; Swaledale £100.50 Westernhopeburn, £96.50 East Unthank; Leicester £98.50 East Unthank; Zwartbles £94.50 Rockcliffe Cross; Easycare £94.50 Blackhaugh and Whitehall; Jacob £94.50 Whitehall; Half Bred £94.50 Broomhill Bank.

The 1,330 lightweight hoggs met exceptional demand to average 245p/kilo. Top of £90.80 for Cheviots from Golden Lane, £85.50 Old Church, £78.80 Mid Harrietsfield; Blackface £87.50 Jubilee, £87.20 Eycott, £86.50 Golden Lane; Texel £87.50 Kirkend and Jubilee, £85.50 Westernhopeburn; Beltex £86.50 Glendearg; Suffolk £85.50 Farmers Close, £84.50 West Hill; Shetland £84.80 Inkstack; Greyface £82.50 Hepplehill; Charollais £78.50 Kirkwood Mains; Swaledale £78.50 Milescott.

A larger than anticipated show of 3,995 cast ewes and rams were forward to the usual full ring of buyers, resulting in trade being very similar on the week with an overall average of £95.88.

The sale was topped at £164.50 for North Country Cheviot rams from Lirrit, others £114.50 Newbigging, £112.50 Lirrit, £104.50 Kersheugh; Oxford £156.50 Golden Lane; Charollais £147.50 Newbigging, £120.50 Severs, £114.50 The Wynd, £110.50 Fountanbleau; Suffolk £138.50 Riddings Hill, £130.50 Newbigging, £126.50 Drinkstone, £124.50 Whinfield; Leicester £134.50 Shitlington Hall, £124.50 East Unthank; Beltex £118.50 Kersheugh; Zwartbles £114.50 Whinfield; Berrichon £109.50 Lustruther; Hill Cheviot £96.50 Crosslee, £89.50 Lirrit; Blackface £94.50 Brackenthwaite, £92.50 Crowhall, £86.50 Bluebell, £85.50 Bennettsfield; Herdwick £79.50 Whinfield; Jacob £70.50 Stackbraes; Shetland £54.50 Newbigging.

Heavy ewes to £158.50 for Suffolks from Lesson Hall, others £148.50 Fountanbleau, £146.50 Shoestanes, £144.50 Lesson Hall; Texel £156.50 Woodhead, £152.50 Lawshall, £150.50 Golden Lane, £148.50 Woodhead; Charollais £146.50, £135.50 Seavers, £134.50 Roadside, £132.50 Colte Coats; Zwartbles £140.50 Hoscote, £102.50 Broomhillbank; North Country Cheviot £138.50 Sinclair Street, £128.50 Golden Lane and Carruthers, £126.50 Carruthers and Allfornaught, £124.50 Broomhillbank and Carruthers; Leicester £136.50 Woodhouse and Fountanbleau, £132.50 Newbiggin, £126.50 Derwent, £120.50 Collin Bank; Greyface £118.50 Ty Croes, £115.50 Derwent, £112.50 Whinfield, £110.50 Yett; Cheviot Mule £118.50 Patties Hill, £144.50 Maxton, £113.50 Severs, £112.50 Kirkburn; Oxford £112.50 Golden Lane; Wensleydale £108.50 Fountanbleau; Berrichon £108.50 Colte Coates.

Hill ewes to £108.50 for Cheviots from Castletown, £97.50 Catslackburn, £96.50 Colte Coates, £90.50 Skelfhill; Blackface £94.50 Crowhall, £90.50 Dirrops, £88.50 Shitlington Hall and Low Old Shields; £87.50 Newbiggin; Herdwick £88.50 Maxton, £80.50 Winterhope; Lleyn £94.50, £68.50 Netherhirst; Welsh Mountain £88.50 Golden Lane; Swaledale £81.50 Milescott, £76.50 Batey Shield, East Unthank and Brampton Fell, £70.50 Broomhills; Jacob £74.50 Pennersaughs; Kerry Hill £56.50 Devonshire; Hebridean £34.50 Eastfield of Wiston; Shetland £25.50 Achswinegar.


Light to -------p (-------p)
Medium to 178.5p (174.1p)
Heavy to 193.5p (177.0p)

Light to -------p (-------p)
Medium to 193.5p (191.8p)
Heavy to 204.5p (178.8p)

Young bulls 155.5p (138.7p)

Light to 270.0p (245.8p)
Standard to 275.0p (240.5p)
Medium to 274.0p (243.2p)
Heavy to 253.0p (222.6p)
Shlgs to 243.0p (198.4p)

Light to -------p (-------p)
Standard to 288.5p (264.5p)
Medium to 316.0p (273.4p)
Heavy to 273.0p (245.3p)
O/weight to 187.5p (187.5p)

Light to £108.50 (£62.58)
Heavy to £158.50 (£108.43)

Cast Rams £164.50(£103.54)

Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers' Mart plc, Townfoot, Longtown, Carlisle, Cumbria CA6 5LY
Tel +44 (0)1228 791215/791300
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