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The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart P.L.C. had forward 70 prime cattle, 1 young bull, 45 over thirty month cattle, 4,105 prime lambs and 5,546 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 21st July, 2011.

Another larger show of 69 prime cattle saw trade a shade easier on the week, although vendors remained satisfied. Limousin bullocks topped the sale at 208.5p from A. Irving, Toppin Castle purchased by W. Kirkup & Sons, Butchers, Longtown, others 206.5p The Gill, 197.5p Dashwellgreen. Limousin heifers to 198.5p from Toppin Castle.

Limousin – 208.5p Toppin Castle, 206.5p The Gill, 197.5p Dashwellgreen, 194.5p Toppin Castle, 192.5p The Gill, 189.5p, 187.5p Dashwellgreen, 184.5p The Gill, 183.5p Newtown, 182.5p Houghton House, 179.5p The Gill, 177.5p Nether Onsett.
British Blue – 191.5p (x2) Dashwellgreen.
Charolais – 186.5p Sceughdyke, 176.5p, 174.5p Swaites.
Saler – 179.5p Dashwellgreen.
Bazadaise – 176.5p Swaites.
Limousin – 198.5p Toppin Castle, 197.5p Dashwellgreen, 196.5p, 195.5p Sandbed, 178.5p Dashwellgreen, 175.5p Townfoot.
British Blue – 183.5p, 177.5p Low Hallburn.
Charolais – 176.5p Low Hallburn.

Limousin – £1,323 Toppin Castle, £1,275 Newtown, £1,228, £1,226 The Gill, £1,215 Toppin Castle, £1,214 Dashwell Green.
Charolais – £1,268, £1,233 Sceughdyke.
British Blue – £1,244 Dashwellgreen.
Limousin - £1,191 Toppin Castle.

More bulls required.
Limousin – 165.5p (£1,034) Westwinds.

An increased number of Over Thirty Month cattle saw a brisk trade throughout, selling to 137.5p and 136.5p for Limousin cows from W. Hodgson, Blindhillbush.
Limousin – 137.5p, 136.5p Blindhillbush, 136.5p, 131.5p Upperburnmouth, 130.5p Blindhillbush and Cocklet Hill, 128.5p, 127.5p, 125.5p Blindhillbush, 125.5p Harehill.
British Blue – 129.5p Sceughdyke, 125.5p Standingstone Rigg.
Galloway – 127.5p Ottercops, 115.5p Nickies Hill, 114.5p Ottercops.
Simmental – 126.5p Gall Farm, 119.5p Archerbeck.
Angus – 127.5p Westerwood House, 121.5p Campingholm.
Friesian – 121.5p Evertown.
Limousin – 124.5p The Side.
Limousin – £972 Harehill, £928 Upperburnmouth, £913 Cocklet Hill, £894 Upperburnmouth, £809 Blindhillbush, £781 Harehill.
British Blue – £900 Sceughdyke, £796 Standingstone Rigg.
Limousin – £1,176 The Side.

A larger show of 4,105 prime lambs sold to the usual ring of buyers. Trade was steady throughout with an overall average of 187.4p per kilo, which was well ahead of most centres this week. Heavy lambs above 45 kilos were harder to sell as they aren’t fitting the export spec! Small lambs 30-37 kilos sold regularly at £2 per kilo and hard to buy as they are being pushed by the store trade. The sale was topped at 226p per kilo for Texels from Nettling Flatt, with a top per head of £97.50 for Texels from Messrs Hutton, How Farm, others £94.50 Rosehill and Upper Tinwald, £93.50 Summerhill; Charollais £92.50 Hallburn, £79.80 Barend, £78.80 Upper Tinwald; Suffolk £90.20, £89.20 Barnglies, £86.50 Brackenthwaite; Greyface £87.50 Braithwaite Hall, £80.50 Nunscleugh, £80.50 Nunscleugh; Rouge £81.80 Braithwaite Hall; Beltex £80 Nether Brotherstone; Half Bred £77.80 Adderston Shiels, £75.80 High Moat; Cheviot Mule £75.80 Balgray Hill; Leicester £73.80 Parcelstown; Blackface £72.80 Penpeugh; Vendeen £72.80 Milton Mains; Lleyn £71.80 South Bowerhouses; Kerry Hill £69.80 Whitcastles; North Country Cheviot £69.80 Archerbeck; Zwartbles £66.50 The Bank Farm.

A massive show of 5,546 cast ewes and rams were forward to the usual ring of buyers. Trade for big ewes and Mule ewes were £4 to £5 up on the week with the best fleshed hill ewes a similar trade on the week. The smaller leaner ewes were £3 to £4 easier on the week but still looked well sold. The sale was topped at £158.50 for Charollais tups from Fowrass, £126.50 Falla; Texel £156.50 High Stenries, £153.50 Trecoy, £146.50 Uppercleuch; Suffolk £146.50 Kimmeter Green, £142.50 Newbigging, £136.50 Raeburnfoot; Leicester £136.50 Newbigging, £130.50 High Edges Green; Beltex £133.50 Chapel House, £92.50 Supplebank; Blackface £128.50 Syart, £99.50 Newbigging, £96.50 Low Eals; Hill Cheviot £128.50, £112.50 Marygate, £92.50 Raeburnfoot; Lleyn £126.50 Newbigging; North Country Cheviot £116.50 Redhouse; Zwartbles £110.50 Newbigging; Swaledale £88.50 Coatlith Hill. Heavy ewes to £152.50 for Texels from Greenhill, £149.50 Roadside, £148.50 Linton House; Beltex £148.50, £126.50 Greenhill, £112.50 Winterhope; Suffolk £146.50 Winterhope, £129.50 Beech House and Syke Farm, £128.50 Braithwaite Hall and Tonehall; Bleu d’Maine £130.50 Maidencoates and Braithwaite Hall, £116.50 Middle Farm; Leicester £126.50 Newbiggin Walls and The Knarr, £124.50 The Old Police House, £118.50 Penpeugh; Charollais £122.50 Roadside, £116.50 Severs; Cheviot Mule £116.50 Torwoodlea Mains, £98.50 High Stenries, £96.50 Parcelstown; North Country Cheviot £112.50 Philiphaugh, £108.50 Kingfield and High Moat, £106.50 Philiphaugh; Greyface £108.50, £103.50 Newbigging, £101.50 Craigsford Mains, £100 Morley Hill. Hill ewes to £90.50 for Blackfaces from Penpeugh, £88.50 Old Police House, £86.50 High Staward; Milk Sheep £88.50 Beech House; Swaledale £84.50 Butterdales, £76.50 Stackbraes, £72.50 Kirkland Green and Parcelstown; Kerry Hill £84.50 Whitcastles; Cheviot £83.50 The Reddings, £82.50 Marygate, £78.50 Devonshire Rise; Herdwick £68.50 Cottage, £64.50 Bartondale and The Reddings, £58.50 White House; Badger Face £50.50 Beech House.


Light to 149.5p (119.4p)
Medium to 182.5p (161.8p)
Heavy to 208.5p (179.8p)

Light to -------p (-------p)
Medium to 178.5p (162.0p)
Heavy to 198.5p (171.3p)

Young bulls to 165.5p (165.5p)

Light to 212.0p (189.1p)
Standard to 226.0p (190.4p)
Medium to 218.0p (184.9p)
Heavy to 192.6p (175.7p)
O/weight to 171.1p (154.5p)

Light to £90.50 (£53.97)
Heavy to £152.50 (£95.84)

Cast Rams to £158.50(£117.47)

Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers' Mart plc, Townfoot, Longtown, Carlisle, Cumbria CA6 5LY
Tel +44 (0)1228 791215/791300
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