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The Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart PLC had forward 40 prime cattle, 4 young bulls, 28 over thirty month cattle, 335 spring lambs, 5,400 prime hoggs and 4,881 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 24th May 2012.

Prime cattle were an improved show of quality which saw trade rise 6p on the week. The sale was topped at 227.5p twice, firstly for a Limousin heifer shown by A. & W.J. Taylor & Son, Dashwell Green and then also for a Limousin heifer from J. & N. Blaylock & Son, Hallburn. Limousin bullocks sold to 219.5p, 218.5p and 217.5p all from Messrs Taylor, Dashwell Green. Top price per head was £1,593.75 for a Limousin bullock shown by N. Forster, Haining House.

Limousin – 219.5p, 218.5p, 217.5p, 216.5p (x2) Dashwell Green, 216.5p Wyseby Hill Cottage, 215.5p Dashwell Green, 214.5p Wyseby Hill Cottage, 212.5p Haining House, 210.5p The Gill, 208.5p, 207.5p, 200.5p Dashwell Green.
British Blue – 211.5p Dashwell Green.
Charolais – 200.5p The Gill, 199.5p Sceughdyke.
Limousin – 227.5p Hallburn and Dashwell Green, 220.5p (x2) Dashwell Green, 219.5p, 218.5p Wyseby Hill Cottage, 218.5p, 205.5p Houghton House, 205.5p Hallburn, 204.5p Smallholms, 201.5p Dashwell Green and Sceughdyke.
Charolais – 216.5p Hallburn, 209.5p Houghton House.
Limousin – £1,593 Haining House, £1,463, £1,420 The Gill, £1,417, £1,403 Dashwell Green.
Charolais – £1,532, £1,516 Sceughdyke.
British Blue – £1,480 Dashwell Green.
Limousin – £1,311, £1,251 Wyseby Hill Cottage, £1,228, £1,223, £1,168 Dashwell Green, £1,158 Houghton House.
British Blue - £1,256 Becton Hall.
Charolais – £1,162 Houghton House, £1,113 Sceughdyke.

Young bulls sold to a top of 197.4p and 182.5p for Simmentals from The Hagg.

A better show of OTM cattle and more buyers present saw trade sharper and a top of 189.5p for a British Blue from T. Armstrong & Sons, Sceughdyke.
British Blue – 189.5p Sceughdyke.
Limousin – 159.5p Sceughdyke, 158.5p, 133.5p Newhouse, 133.5p Cumcrook.
Angus – 144.5p Harelawhill, 137.5p Potholm, 132.5p Lynnshield.
Simmental – 136.5p Ellershope.
British Blue – £1,317 Sceughdyke.
Limousin – £1,276 Sceughdyke, £1,157 Newhouse.
Angus – £1,054 Harelawhill, £1,000 Lynnshield.

At the Show & Sale of Spring Lambs, 335 head were forward. Lambs averaged 198p per kilo with an SQQ of 200p per kilo, harder to sell. The show was ably judged by Mr Stephen Stoddart, who awarded the Championship on both the singles and pairs to Alex and Robbie McGimpsey, The Thorns. The single weighed 40 kilos and realised £98 to the judge, with the pairs also weighing 40 kilos and also selling to the judge at £96. Other Texels to £94 The Thorns, £90 Lanehead; Suffolk £96 Thorns, £72 Sunnyhill; Charollais £86, £85 Rottington Hall; Oxford £80, £75 Guards.

The 5,400 prime hoggs forward were a very mixed show for quality, averaging 152.1p per kilo, with only well fleshed hoggs receiving a premium, lean hoggs very hard to cash but 50 kilo + hoggs dearer on the week, more could have been sold to advantage. Far too many small bad hoggs forward with no flesh, reflecting in the poor average. As from next week many firms will be switched off hoggets, killing lambs instead The sale was topped at 195p per kilo for Texels from Waterside and to £98.50 per head for Texels from Hillside, £90.50 Red House and Southend, £88.80 Pityot; North Country Cheviot £91.80 Hyde Park; Beltex £92.50, £79.50, £78.80 Snade Farm; Hill Cheviot £91.50 Red House, £88.50 Westhill, £85.50 Southend; Suffolk £90.50 Red House and Southend, £89.80, £88.80 Red House; Blackface £83.50 Brantwood, £71.80 Red House, £69.50 Laggan Farms; Charollais £82.50 South Farden, £79.50 Allenhead; Cheviot Mule £81.80 Red House; Greyface £74.80 Southend, £72.50 Hopehill, £69.50 Auchaleek; Hampshire £70 Hopehill; Swaledale £68.50 High Dunashery, £66.50, £65.50 Harwood Shield; Lleyn £64.80, £58.50 Windshiel; Herdwick £64.50 Westhill; Dorset £63.50 Hopehill; Kerry £53.50 Hopehill; Jacob £52.50 Hayclose.

A larger show of 4,881 cast ewes and rams was forward to a smaller ring of buyers with heavy fat ewes hard to cash, £6 to £10 less on the week with lean selling ewes at a premium. Hill ewes remain dear in comparison, with tups short of buyers requirements.

Top price of £148.50 for Charollais rams from Severs, £140.50 Burdon, £110.50 Longrigg House; Texel £146.50 Stackbraes, £140.50 Burdon, £138.50 Willimoteswick; Millenium Blue £144.50 Severs; Leicester £133.50 Castle Nook, £116.50 Northfield, £114.50 Graystale; North Country Cheviot £133.50 Red House, £128.50 Biggin, £114.50 Burdon; Hampshire £129.50 Burdon; Romney Marsh £129.50 Burdon; Beltex £123.50 Burdon, £98.50 Hopehill; Suffolk £122.50 Burdon, £119.50 Severs, £116.50 Northfield; Dorset £118.50 Burdon; Berrichon £113.50 Devonshire; Oxford £102.50 Golden Lane; Hill Cheviot £96.50 Setthorns; Kerry Hill £89.50 Severs; Shetland £86.50 East Murkle; Blackface £86.50 Tangy Farm, £84.50 Graystale, £82.50 South Mains; Swaledale £74.50 Harwood Shield, £66.50 High Dunashery, £58.50 Stackbraes and Harwood Shield.

Heavy ewes to £138.50 for Texels from Fontanbleau, £132.50 Wood Farm, £128.50 Severs; Charollais £118.50 Severs and Burdon, £112.50 Road Side and Youngcott, £108.50 Thackwood; Bleu d’Maine £118.50 Hopehill, £90.50 Bodwrdin; Suffolk £110.50 Bardnaclaven, £108.50 Severs, £106.50 Road Side; Leicester £109.50 Stackbraes, £89.50 Kirkhaugh, £88.50 Newbigging; Half Bred £106.50 Biggin, £89.50 Fontanbleau; North Country Cheviot £94.50 Bardnaclaven, £82.50 Clochkeil, £90.50 Quoyshakes; Greyface £92.50 Marygate, £82.50 Killinochonoch and Harelawhill, £80.50 Newbigging; Rouge £89.50 Snade Farm; Beltex £86.50 St Cuthberts, £83.50 Alton, £82.50 Stackbraes, £80.50 Crosshill Avenue; Cheviot Mule £81.50 Penyrargae; Wensleydale £79.50, £70.50 Golden Lane; Zwartbles £79.50 Fontanbleau, £66.50 Romanway; Oxford £75.50 Golden Lane; Wiltshire £69.50 Golden Lane; Dorset £69.50 Mossband Hall, £68.50 Trecorner; Romney Marsh £65.50 Fontanbleau.

Hill ewes to £83.50 for Blackface from Brantwood, £72.50 Penpeugh and The Nook (Forster), £71.50 Graystale and Newbigging; Lleyn £78.50 Ringligate, £68.50 Marygate, £61.50 Hopehill; Hill Cheviot £76.50 Harelawhill, Hayclose and Farmers Close, £75.50 The Temon, £74.50 Clochkeil; Jacob £66.50 Stackbraes and Red House; Swaledale £65.50 Setterah Park, £62.50 Riggfoot and Nunscleugh, £61.50 Settereth Park and Castle Nook; Kerry Hill £64.50 Hopehill; Shetland £58.50 Allenhead, £44.50 Graystale; Herdwick £49.50 Westhill, £40.50 Red House, £36.50 Hayclose.


Light to 77.5p ( 77.5p)
Medium to 219.5p (209.1p)
Heavy to 212.5p (198.9p)

Light to 227.5p (216.9p)
Medium to 227.5p (207.4p)
Heavy to 218.5p (202.0p)

Young bulls to 197.5p (166.5p)

Light to 178.0p (151.5p)
Standard to 183.0p (146.3p)
Medium to 195.0p (149.7p)
Heavy to 178.0p (157.4p)
Shlgs to 160.0p (135.0p)

Light to 206.0p (200.6p)
Standard to 231.0p (201.6p)
Medium to 245.0p (199.7p)
Heavy to 185.0p (176.0p)
O/weight to 160.0p (160.3p)

Light to £83.50 (£56.50)
Heavy to £138.50 (£81.13)

Cast Rams to £148.50 (£101.33)

corresponding week 2011 sale report

Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers' Mart plc, Townfoot, Longtown, Carlisle, Cumbria CA6 5LY
Tel +44 (0)1228 791215/791300
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