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store sheep ringThe Cumberland & Dumfriesshire Farmers Mart PLC had forward 3,009 Store and Breeding sheep at their sale at Longtown on Tuesday 24th February 2009.

Another good entry, trade very dear. Top was £68.80, £65.80 for Lleyn hoggs from Glenkiln Farm, others £64 Meikle Richorn; Texels £67.20 Boreland of Southwick; Halfbreds £66.80 Adderstonshiels; Suffolks £66.50 Fell View; North Country Cheviots £66.20 Adderstonshiels; Beltex £65.50 The Height; Cheviot Mules £60.50 High Chesters; Greyface £62.80 Blacksmiths Cottage, £59.20 Whitfield Estate; Hill Cheviots £55.20, £53.80 Clerkhill; Blackfaces £51.50 Hott, £48.80 Croft Farm; Swaledales £41.50 Whitfield Estate; Herdwicks £42.50 Pica.

Feeding ewes to £57.50 for Greyfaces from Brookfield; Blackfaces £31.50 Craigburn.

Ewes and lambs met a great trade to a top of £52 each for Suffolk x with twins from Mossband House. Greyfaces with twins £41 each Drumcork. Ewes with singles to £49, £43 each for Greyfaces from Drumcork, others £47.50 Brookfield.

Greyface geld hoggs to £58.80 from East Farm; Blackfaces £53.80 East Farm.

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