Dumfries OTM and Prime Cattle Report

C&D Auction Marts held their fortnightly sale of OTM and Prime Cattle on Monday 27th November 2023.

Prime cattle met a brisk demand selling to 332p/kg for Limousin Heifers from J. Jardine, Yett to R. Johnstone & Sons, Butchers, Annan.

OTM’s again met a sharper trade with more buyers in attendance and seeking cows of all shape and sizes, selling to 226p/kg Brownrigg and £1555.50 Dalswinton

Beef cows averaged 158.9p/kg to 226p/kg and £1555.20

Dairy cows averaged 137.3p/kg to 208p/kg and £1341.60

Per Head – Beef Shorthorn - £1555.50 Dalswinton. Limousin - £1424 Rashgill, £1254.30 Brownrigg, £1222 Lantonside. Holstein - £1341.60 Barndennoch, £1112.20 Muirside. Simmental - £1334.80 Lantonside, £1294.25 £1252.50 Potterland, £1216.60 Maryfield. Saler - £1295 West Skelston. Angus - £1249.50 Gatehouse, £1231.40 Dalswinton. Montbelliarde - £1176 Upper Portrack. Stabiliser - £1106 Bennan. Friesian - £1098.90 £1092 Upper Portrack.

Per Kilo – Limousin – 226p Brownrigg, 188p Lantonside. Holstein – 208p 180p 178p Barndennoch, 150p Brownrigg. Friesian – 198p 195p 180p Upper Portrack, 180p x2 New Farm. Angus – 188p Dalswinton. Simmental – 188p Lantonside.  Saler – 180p West Skelston. Beef Shorthorn – 170p Dalswinton.