Dumfries Store and Breeding Sheep Report

C and D Auction Marts conducted their Saturday Sale of Breeding and Feeding Sheep in Dumfries on Saturday 9th September 2023.

Best pen of Mule Ewe Lambs

Best pen of Mule Ewe Lambs - T & T Anderson , Dornal £148

Best pen of Mule Ewe Lambs

1405 Scotch Mule Ewe Lambs were presented to a ringside of distant and local buyers and a most satisfactory trade prevailed to Average £119.60

Prior to the sale, the show of Mule Ewe Lambs were expertly judged by David Bell, Hoddomtown awarding the best pen to T & T Anderson , Dornal £148. Reserve to J. Guild, Ashmark £138. The Show being kindly sponsored by Starlyne – Livestock Nutrition.

£148 £140 £132 Dornal

£138 Ashmark

£135 Sweetshawhead

£132 Nisbet & Clonrae

450 Blackface Ewe Lambs attracted plenty of demand

£105 £100 Kirkland

£80 Auchenbrack

Other breed ewe lambs sold to £118 Cheviot Mules from Eastlands.

Cheviot Mule - £118 Eastlands

Cheviot - £95 Brookfield, £92 Laghead

Gimmers met a steady trade.

Cross - £178 Clonrae, £162 Tregallon

North Country Cheviot Breed Ewes - £145 x2 Barr

A small show of store lambs met the dearest trade of the season with a full ringside of buyers needing greater numbers.

Texel - £96 Tara

Cross - £93 Tara

Suffolk - £92 Ewanston

NCC - £88 Netherton

Cheviot - £82 Brookfield

Blackface - £70 Snar