Dumfries Store & Breeding Cattle Sale Report

C&D Auction Marts Ltd had their fortnightly sale of store cattle on Monday 28th November 2022 with 162 forward.

A fine show of stronger cattle were presented to an active ringside of buyers keen for cattle.
Bullocks sold to £1450 for Angus from J. Nelson, Seafield with Limousin x to 277.6p/kg from Belridding

Heifers to £1300 for limousin from  F R Henderson & Sons, Kirkbride and too 265.6p/kg Ballagan

Bullocks per head – AA - £1450 £1375 £1355 £1350 Seafield, £1100 Maxwellbank. BB - £1425 South Carhtat, £1285 Seafield. Lim - £1290 £1230 £1180 Belridding, £1200 High Auchneel. Sim - £1230 £1190Maxwellbank, £1185 Seafield. BSH - £1150 High Auchneel.

Heifers per head – Lim - £1300 £1265 Kirkbride, £1275 Ballaggan, £1120 Brownrigg. Char - £1280 Skipmyre, £1085 Peden. AA - £1220 Kirkbride, £1020 High Auchneel. BB - £1215 £1150 South Carthart. Longh - £1140 High Auchneel. BSH - £1135 £075 Archbank, £1105 £1060 Skipmyre, £1100 High Auchneel. Her- £1130 High Auchneel. Sal - £1020 High Auchneel. Stab - £1000 Skipmyre