Dumfries Store & Breeding Cattle Sale Report

C & D Auction Marts held their fortnightly sale of store cattle in Dumfries on Monday 10th July 2023.

264 forward - Another good attendance of buyers were present with trade remaining firm.

A. Armour & Son, Killarow made the long journey from the Kintyre Peninsula seeing their Brittish Blue Bullocks at £1535 with others attaining 327.9p/kg for British Blue from High Bellochantuy, Campbelltown.

Heifers topped at £1480 with Angus from N.L Ramsay, Dunbae and 302.5p/kg for British Blue from High Bellochantuy.

Bullocks per head -

BB- £1535 Killarow, £1140, £1125 Upper Moor, £1105 Rockhallhead, £1090 High Bellochantuy. Lui - £1520 Langbarns, £1220 Dunbae. Sim - £1420, £1250 Dunbae, £1300, £1180 High Auchneel, £1265, £1100 Upper Moor, £1120 Phernside. Lim - £1410, £1300x2 Belridding, £1335 Upper Moor, £1290 Kirkbride, £1190 Dunbae. AA - £1350x2 Langbarns, £1320 High Auchneel, £1310, £1300, £1250, £1220 Dunbae, £1240 Kirkbride, £1235 Laghead. Sal - £1330 Dunbae. BSH -  £1300 High Auchneel. Hol - £1020 Killarow.

Heifers per head –

AA - £1480 Dunbrae, £1205 Upper Moor. BB - £1355 Killarow, £1095 Rockhallhead. Char - £1315, £1285x2 Millhill, £1280, £1240 High Auchneel, £1250 Meikle Barncleugh. Sim - £1300, £1280, £1240 High Auchneel. BSH- £1280 High Auchneel. Lim - £1270 High Auchneel, £1220 Kirkbride, £1100 Belridding. Gal - £1190 Langbarns. Lui - £1155 Langbarns.

Bulls per head

Flechvieh - £950 Ardlamy. AA - £950 Esbie,  £900 North Bowerhouses.