Longtown Primestock Sale Report

C&D Auction Marts Limited had forward 7,407 sheep comprising of 4,235 prime hoggs and 3,172 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 18th February 2021.

All classes of cast cows remain in demand with more numbers required on a weekly basis to satisfy buyer requirements. The sale was predominately native bred cattle which topped at £900 for a Galloway from W & HI Watson, Sanders Close, Slaggyford, which also topped the price per kilo at 180p. Blue Greys to 168p from WD & R Elliot, Burnfoot of Ewes, Langholm.  

A similar show of 4,235 hoggs forward. A very mixed bag of hoggs today with well fleshed hoggs still selling well and very much in demand. Best Beltex hoggs were in short supply and sold to extreme rates topping the sale at 417p for a tremendous pen of eight Beltex hogg shown by DS & RC Taylor, Easter Ochtermuthill, Perth. Beltex hoggs also topped the price per head at £178 for five Beltex hoggs also from the same good home.

Heavy hoggs were a poorer show and being slightly easier on the week.

Commercial export hoggs were in big demand regularly selling between 280p – 290p with more required to satisfy demand.

Small hoggs were a serious trade selling between 290p-310p with no let up from start to finish. Continental hoggs topped at 383p for a pen of tidy Beltex hoggs consigned by RN Scott, West Micklethwaite. Cheviot hoggs broke the 300p barrier on several occasions toping at 307p being consigned by Messrs D Robinson, The Heugh, Hexham. Blackface hoggs topped at 298p for a penful of well finished hoggs consigned by G Barbour & Co., Auchengibbert, Crocketford.

Again, all classes of well finished hoggs are required to fulfill demand on a weekly basis here at Longtown, any lean storey types are better sold on a Tuesday through the store market.

An overall sale average of 274.5p (SQQ 286.1p)

For further advice on marketing your livestock please do not hesitate to contact our auctioneers:

John Walton 07880527066

Sam Hogg 07584207323

Norman Douglas 07786366833

Neil 07771685073 


Beltex 417p, 386p Easter Ochtermuthill, 383p West Micklethwaite, 381p Blackheddon, 371p Easter Ochtermuthill, 367p West Micklethwaite, 363p Easter Ochtermuthill, 359p West Micklethwaite, 356p Stud Farm, 355p, 349p West Micklethwaite, 345p New Kelso, 343p Peela Hill, 341p West Micklethwaite.  

Texel 335p Blackheddon, 328p Cadgillhead, 320p Greenburn, 318p Stud Farm, 316p Newhope, 315p West Scales, Moorhills & Miller Hill, 313p Plumpe & Pilmuir, 311p Cleughbrae & Cadgillhead,

Charollais 312p Stud Farm, 285p Culquhasen.

Cheviot 307p The Heugh, 306p Crosscleugh, 303p Skelfhill & East Buccleuch, 302p Skelfhill & Stud Farm, 298p Weeds & Wedderlie, 297p Lurgan, 295p Crosscleugh & Stud Farm, 294p Glendearg & Roughet Hill, 293p Geiselittle, 290p Crosscleugh & Muirton.

Suffolk 300p Oswie & Westernhopeburn, 297p Knowe, 296p New Kelso, 295p High Floweryhirst, 295p, 293p High Cattadale, 286p Crosscleugh & Guardsmill, 284p High Machriemore, 281p Becton Hall, 280p Guardsmill.

North Country Cheviot 299p Jerriestown, 285p Cleughbrae & Longoe, 284p Jerriestown, 279p Torikka & Sandbed, 277p Dalmakethar, 273p Guardsmill, 271p Sandbed.

Blackface 298p Whinneyknowe & Auchengibbert, 297p Silloans, Weeds Farm, East Buccleuch & Longburgh Fauld, 292p Raeburnhead, 291p Stud Farm, 288p Craig Farm & Tangy, 287p Crosscleugh, Lurgan & High Stenries, 285p Roughet Hill.

Mule 292p Whinneyknowe, 289p Archerbeck, 286p Tangy, 284p Stud Farm, 281p Borthwick Brae & East Buccleuch, 279p Tangy, 274p High Cattadale & Patties Hill, 273p Plumpe, 272p West Foreshield & Newton Cottages.     

Cheviot Mule 283p Greenburn, 273p Cadgillhead.     

Easycare 269p Easter Denhead.

Herdwick 267p, 252p Fold Head, 242p Ashness.  

Swaledale 258p Westernhopeburn, 252p Kirkhaugh, 250p Hollin Close.


Beltex £178, £171, £170, £167 Easter Ochtermuthill, £160 Blackheddon, £154 Easter Ochtermuthill, £152 Newton Cottages, £149 Whitehill, £147 West Micklethwaite, £146 Stud Farm, £145 Whitehill.  

Texel £160 Mid Banks, £151 Whitehill, £148 Aimshaugh, £146 Cadgillhead, £144 Middle Farm, £141 Greenburn, £140 Kirkhouse & Middle Farm,

Charollais £142 Westernhopeburn, £130 Knowe.

Suffolk £141 Knowe, £138 Braithwaite Hall, 135.50 Dunjop, £133 Knowe, £132 Braithwaite Hall,

£131 High Machriemore, £130 Dunjop, Westernhopeburn & Grindon Hill, £129 Guardsmill, £128.50

Hallburn & The Land, £128 High Machriemore.  

Bleu du Maine £140 Braithwaite Hall.

North Country Cheviot £136.50 The land, £134 Sundhope, £128.50 Guardsmill, £128 Myrelandhorn, £126 Muirton, £125 Dalmakethar.

Cheviot £136 Stud Farm, £130 Aimshaugh, £127.50 Easter Alemoor, £126.50 The Land, £125 High

Floweryhirst, Becks & Stud Farm, £124 The Land, Sundhope & High Fodderlie, £123 Todholes,

£122.50 Plumpe, £122 Aimshaugh.

Cheviot Mule £130 High Parsons Bridge, £120 Broadmea.   

Easycare £130 Glasson.

Mule £125.50 Tangy, £125 Albierigg, £123.50 Culquhasen, £123 Plumpe, £121 High Parson Bridge, £120 West Foreshield.   

Blackface £125 Penchrise, £124 Borthwickshiels, £123 Penchrise & Silloans, £122 Low Old Shield, £121.50 Kirkhouse, £120 Albierigg, Merkland, Penchrise & Borthwickshiels, £119 Penchrise, £118 Clonrae, £117.50 Newton Cottages, £117 Weeds Farm, Longburgh Fauld & High Stenries.  

Swaledale £120 West Foreshield, £116, £115 Burn House.

A larger show of 3,172 ewes. Heavy ewes sold to increased rates of return with Pure Bred Texel ewes topping the sale at £198 on two separate occasions, both lots being consigned by Lower Reiss Farms, Caithness.

Suffolk ewes saw a rise in returns topping at £175 for a shapley ewe consigned by Messrs Hepburn & Co., North House, Hawick

Hill ewes sold to a top of £99 for Cheviots consigned by J & J Campbell, Wedderlie, Berwick with Scotch Bred Blackface ewes topping at £94 consigned from Rawburn.

Mules being a lot dearer on the week especially Scotch Mules or heavy English bred Mules. Topping at a staggering £126 for a pen of hefty girls consigned by T J Neill, Howtel, Mindrum.   

Rams maintained recent high rates topping at £148 for Texels from Sharplaw Farms, Hownam.

Many more ewes can be sold to vendor advantage and are keenly sought after for next week’s sale, please advise entries to our auctioneers.


Texel £198 x 2, £186 Lower Reiss, £182 Stonehouse & Swallows Barn, £180 Burgh Head, £178 Carran, Stonehouse & Merkland, £174 Bankhey, £168 Lower Reiss & Rawburn, £166 Stonehouse, £164 Bankhey & Lower Reiss, £160 Viewley.

Suffolk £175 North House, £140, £136 Burgh Head, £129 Viewley, £125 Forss & Blackheddon, £124 Lower Reiss, £123 Kimmeter Green, £122 Carran, £121 Batey Shield.

Charollais £141 Viewley, £140 Glengolly, £136 Brocklerigg.    

Bluefaced Leicester £130 Penpeugh, £120 Gapshield, £118 Burgh Head, £112 Craig Farm, £110 Batey Shield & Pry Hill.       

North Country Cheviot £126 Forss, £119 Rawburn, £113 Viewley, £112, £109 Muirton, £104 Harwood on Teviot, £102 Purdomstone & Rawburn, £101 Whins, £100 Forss.  

Mule £126 Howtel, £122 Lanehead, £116 Howtel, £109 Grindon Hill, £106 Whitchester, £105 Grindon Hill & Geltsdale, £104 Newbiggin, £103 Grindon Hill & Hassendean, £101 Miller Hill, £100 Haregills & Desoglin.

Beltex £120 Burgh Head.

Half-bred £119, £118 Marygate.

Cheviot Mule £114 Sundhope, £107 Southdean Lodge, £104 Glendearg, £102 Over Howden.      


Cheviot £99, £94 Wedderlie, £93 Marygate, £92 Allfornaught, Rawburn & Stud Farm, £91 Hindhope & Wedderlie, £90 Boreland, Allfornaught, Berryfell & Southdean Lodge.  

Kendal Rough £98 Church View.  

Blackface £94 Rawburn, £90 North House, £87 Fingland & Marygate, £86 Fingland, £85 Longyester, £84 Marygate & Bankend, £83 High Staward, Torikka, Craig Farm & Auchengibbert.     

Swaledale £78 Baggarah, £74 Archerbeck.  

Easycare £76, £74 Harwood on Teviot.       

Herdwick £65 Buttermere Close, £64 North House, £62 Buttermere Close, £60 Ashness.  


Texel £148 Sharplaw, £145 Harwood on Teviot, £144 Viewley, £142 Allensgreen, £138 Ronachan & Swallows Barn, £136 Viewley & Thorleens, £134 High Crubasdale, £132 Mossband Hall, £130 Harwood on Teviot & Priesthaugh.

Charollais £140 Viewley, £132 Over Howden.  

Suffolk £130 Over Howden, £129 Hassendean, £128 Forss, £127 Batey Shield.  

Bluefaced Leicester £128 Forss, £118 Southdean & Batey Shield, £112 Priesthaugh.

Lleyn £126 Geiselittle.

North Country Cheviot £125 Rawburn, £119 Purdomstone.

Blackface £124 Allensgreen.  

Blue Texel £120 Muirton.

Zwartble £120 Muirton.

Cheviot £119 High Crubasdale, £112 Sundhope & Cara View, £108 Batey Shield, £106 Hindhope, £105 Escart & Priesthaugh, £100 Sundhope.  

Dorset £106 Cara View.

Hampshire £104 Geiselittle.       

Beltex £100 Newton Cottages.


Light to           343.0p (275.3p)
Standard to      383.0p (290.1p)
Medium to      417.0p (284.3p) 
Heavy to         363.0p (254.1p)

Light to           £99.00   (£66.86) 
Heavy to         £198.00 (£100.63)

Rams               £148.00 (£95.60)


corresponding week 2020 sale report