Longtown Primestock Sale Report

C&D Auction Marts Limited had forward 3,617 sheep comprising of 260 prime hoggs, 1,420 spring lambs and 1,937 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 24th June 2021.

A better show of cast cows for both quality and quantity, which resulted in all classes meeting a brisk trade and more numbers required here at Longtown on a weekly basis. Topping the sale at £1,669 was a fantastic Angus bull shown by W Skilling, Cara View, Campbeltown, which also topped the price per kilo at 138p. Herefords sold at £1,122 from A Sauer, Tangymoil, Campbeltown. Limousin cows sold to 128p from EAP Glendinning, Over Cassock, Eskdalemuir and 126p from R & MG Elliott, Hallburn Croft, Longtown.  

A larger show of 1,420 new season spring lambs sold to reduce levels in line with the national trend. Lambs 45kg+ were the trade of the day topping at £151.50 for Suffolks from A Hambleton, Merkland, Thornhill.  

Top price per kilo of 271p for Beltex lambs from RJ & ME Cumming, Baurch, Gretna.

Overall average 235.9p (SQQ 235.1p)


Beltex 271p Baurch, 267p Thornthwaite Close, 265p Four O Boot, 260p Burnside.

Texel 266p Wyseby Hill Cottage, 263p Netherhill, 262p Carsegowan, 259p, 258p, 255p Carran, 254p Kimmeter Green, 253p Longrow, 252p Kimmeter Green.

Suffolk 261p Guardsmill, 249p, 248p Carsegowan, 245p Frankstown, 244p Carsegowan, 241p Staffler, 240p Cambeckhill.  

Dutch Spotted 256p, 250p Kepple Vale.

Millennium Blue 256p Four O Boot.  

Charollais 251p Swaites.  

Dorset 248p Brisco Meadows.  

Blue Texel 243p The Land.


Suffolk £151.50 Merkland, £147 Broomhills, £134 Carsegowan.

Texel £138 West Millhills, £135 Brisco Meadows, £131 Carsegowan, £130 Broomhills.

Oxford £128 Midtodholes.

Dorset £124 Brisco Meadows.

Dutch Spotted £123 Kepple Vale.

Charollais £123 Swaites.  

A seasonal show of 260 prime hoggs were forward with a mixed trade for all classes. Selling to a top of 246p for Texels from EJC Dean, Kirk House, Brampton, who also topped the price per head at £140. Texels from Marygate also sold at £140.  

For further advice on marketing your livestock or for any other enquiries or entries please do not hesitate to contact our auctioneers:

John Walton 07880 527066

Sam Hogg 07584 207323

Neil 07771 685073 

Norman Douglas 07786 366833


Texel 246p Kirk House, 222p Flex.  

Beltex 238p Outertown.   

Blackface 203p Glenbeg, 197p Syke Head.

Cheviot 192p Mallsgate Hall.  

Mule 192p Mallsgate Hall.  

Suffolk 184p Plumpe, 180p Olrig Mains.  


Texel £140 Kirk House & Marygate, £136 Bensons Fell.  

Cheviot Mule £101 Thornship.  

Beltex £100 Outertown.  

Cheviot £90 Blackburn.

Suffolk £87.50 Broomhills, £85 Skye Head.

A smaller show of 1,937 ewes were forward, with ewes being £8-12 up on the week and many buyers leaving short of requirements.

Heavy ewes topped at £208 for Texels from Marygate, Berwick, who also sold others at £202 and £200.  

Hill ewes topped at £112 for Cheviots from D & E Waugh, Effgill Farm, Langholm.

Rams to £218 for Texels from EJC Dean, Kirk House, Brampton.  

Numbers of ewes are required for next weeks sale, as ewe trade firms more ewes can be sold to vendor’s advantage. Please do not hesitate to contact our auctioneers for further entries or enquiries.  


Texel £208, £202, £200 Marygate, £200, £190 The Lodge, £188 Arkleby House, £185 Lower Reiss, £180 Seymour House.

Suffolk £156 Seymour House, £148 Gartvaigh, £147 Mossburnford, £139 Springfield, £138 Olrig Mains, £135 Solway House.  

Beltex £142 Lowergate, £140, £130 Mid Farm, £125 Killocraw.   

Rouge £142 Crawfordhall.

Cheviot Mule £125 Seymuor House, £112 Mid Farm.  

North Country Cheviot £125 Dunnabie.  

Bluefaced Leicester £124 Burgh Head.

Bleu du Maine £122 Arkleby House.

Charollais £122 Stewartfield.

Mule £120, £116 Stonewalls, £114 Nirvana, £111 Staffler, £110 Greenburn, £109 Treloy, £108 West End, Woodhouse, Brisco Meadows & Flex.


Cheviot £112 Effgill, £98 Mossburnford, £91 Skelfhill, £90 Tarrasfoot & Milescott.  

Blackface £101 Gibblaston, £98 Redesmouth, £97 Brennanlea, £92 Millantae, Tangytavil & Barron House.  

Swaledale £79 Thornhope, £77 High Parkfoot, £73 Milescott.  


Texel £218 Kirk House, £148 Cara View, £130 Outertown.  

Bluefaced Leicester £125 High Parkfoot.

Suffolk £123 Syke Head, £118 Syke Farm.

Blackface £120 High Street, £118 Whitchester, £115 Tinnis.

Roussin £118 Syke Head.

North Country Cheviot £112 Ballywilline.

Herdwick £110 Auchnabreac.

Cheviot £104 Mount Benger.  


Light to           255.0p (236.6p)
Standard to      271.0p (230.9p)
Medium to      267.0p (236.2p)
Heavy to         262.0p (238.8p)
Overweight to 250.0p (240.1p)

Light to           203.0p (101.9p)
Standard to      197.0p (176.9p)
Medium to      238.0p (150.5p) 
Heavy to         183.0p (148.3p)
Shearlings to   246.0p (162.0p)

Light to           £112.00 (£57.83) 
Heavy to         £208.00 (£107.42)

Rams   to      £218.00 (£106.56)


corresponding week 2020 sale report