Longtown Primestock Sale Report

C&D Auction Marts Limited had forward 3,004 sheep comprising of 1,467 spring lambs and 1,537 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 14th July 2022.

A similar show of cast cows were forward to a busy ringside of buyers ensuring all classes met a serous trade a trade with over 83% of the sale realising over 200ppk. Top per kilo of 224p for an Irish Limousin from N McBurney, Balsalloch, Girvan, who sold others at 216p and 210p. Top per head of £1,724, £1,596, £1,490 again for Irish Limousin cows from Balsalloch with others to £1,235 from Meikle Whitriggs, Lockerbie. More numbers required on a weekly basis to fulful buyer demand here at Longtown.

A smaller show of 1,467 prime lambs were forward

Top price per kilo of 351p for Beltex lambs from M & M Byrne, Thornthwaite Close, Wigton.

Top price per head of £191 for Texels lambs from Marygate, Berwick.  

Overall average 302.2p (SQQ 305.9p)


Beltex 351p, 342p Thornthwaite Close.   

Texel 331p The Flatt & Pretoria Road, 325p West Millhills, 324p Pretoria Road, 322p Guardsmill & Greenburn, 320p Pretoria Road, West Millhills & Kimmeter Green.

Suffolk 321p Guardsmill, 317p Cambeckhill, 311p, 310p Tone Hall.

Charollais 309p Greenburn, 300p Shaw Head & Stonehouse.   

Dutch Spotted 308p Frankstown.   


Texel £191 £185, £184, £182, £170 Marygate, £166 Windyknowe, £165 Pretoria Road, £160 Kimmeter Green.

Mule £161 Frankstown.

Suffolk £156 Bank Head, £154 Grindon Hill, £151 Guardsmill, £150 Frankstown & Grindon Hill.

Dutch Spotted £148 Frankstown.  

Oxford £145 Guards.

Beltex £142 Gallowberry.  

Charollais £139 Greenburn.

A smaller entry of 1,537 cast ewes and rams.

Heavy ewes sold to £232 per head for Texel ewes from J Runciman & Sons, Allanshaws, Stow.  

Hill ewes topped at £120 for Cheviots from Marygate.  

Rams topping at £298 for Texels from Marygate, Berwick.

Please do not hesitate to contact our auctioneers, who will be pleased to take your calls for all further enquiries or entries.

John Walton 07880527066

Sam Hogg 07584 207 323                                                                                                                                              


Texel £232 Allanshaws, £228 Woodcroft, £225 Marygate, £210 Allanshaws, £200 Viewley.

Bluefaced Leicester £159 Tinnis.

Suffolk £154 Allanshaws, £150 Clackmae, £148, £147 Beckfoot, £143 Viewely.   

Charollais £151 Beckfoot.

North Country Cheviot £141 Allanshaws, £140 Corriehills, £139, £138 Allanshaws.     

Mule £135 Hassendean, £134 Westend, £129 Marygate, £126 Moorhills, £120 Newtown.  

Cheviot Mule £135, £126 Clackmae, £120 Muircleugh.   


Hill Cheviot £120 Marygate, £95 Earlside.

Blackface £104 Penpeugh, £100 Tinnis, £93, £90 Dreva.  


Texel £298, £230, £225, £218 Marygate.       

Charollais £180 Viewley.  

Continental £142 Beckfoot.   

Romney £132 Hallrule.  

North Country Cheviot £125 Allanshaws.


Light to           279.0p (261.0p)
Standard to      351.0p (280.0p)
Medium to      331.0p (306.6p)
Heavy to         322.0p (304.3p)
Overweight to 315.0p (288.1p)

Light to           £120.00 (£70.62) 
Heavy to         £232.00 (£118.23)

Rams to           £298.00 (£155.92)


corresponding week 2021 sale report