Longtown Primestock Sale Report

C&D Auction Marts Limited had forward 4,740 sheep comprising of 2,117 spring lambs and 2,623 cast ewes & rams at their weekly sale at Longtown on Thursday 7th July 2022.

A larger show of cast cows were forward to a competitive ringside of four buyers, ensuring all classes very much in demand and more numbers required on a weekly basis here at Longtown. The sale topped at £1,950 a smart Limousin cow shown by JT Fleming & Son, Falnash, Teviothead with others to £1,428 from GOM Famelton, Horseholme, Gilsland. Shorthorn cows sold to £1,410 (x2) and £1,341 from ER Cook, The Glen, Bonchester Bridge with Angus cows to £1,353 from JA & E Dinwoodie, Archerbeck, Canonbie.

Top price per kilo of 235p for a Limousin from Falnash with others to 210p from Horseholme. Shorthorns to 189p and 188p from The Glen and Angus topping at 188p from Archerbeck.

A larger show of 2,117 good quality prime lambs were forward, trade slightly easier on the week which was forecast with more numbers coming forward. Better bred lambs, export lambs and all heavies continues to sell well and will be wanted again for next weeks sale.

Top price per kilo of 348p for Texel lambs from J & E Walby, East House, Newcastle and for Beltex lambs shown by GS Jackson, Raby Grange, Kirkbride.

Top price per head of £162 for Suffolks from HM Martindale, The Land, Ecclefechan and for Texel lambs shown by G Shankland, East Raffles, Carrutherstown.

Overall average 307.3p (SQQ 309.0p)


Texel 348p East House, 336p Kimmeter Green, 335p, 333p Slealands, 333p East House, 328p Latterford & Beckfoot.

Beltex 348p Raby Grange, 338, 327p Upper Tinwald, 320p Dykehead.  

Dutch Spotted 336p Coxhill.  

Charollais 333p Netherhill.  

Bleu du Maine 321p Hallburn.

Blue Texel 321p Beech Hill.

Suffolk 319p Cambeckhill & Newbiggin, 315p Shawhill & Ellenbank, 314p The Land, Hollows Mill & Grindon Hill.

Dutch Texel 318p Rowanburnfoot.  

Hampshire 300p Barnglies.


Suffolk £162, £154 The Land, £154 Shop Farm & Grindon Hill, £152 The Snab, £150 Muirhead.

Texel £162 East Raffles, £160 The Land & Newton Field, £159 Kirkbride & The Land, £157 East Raffles.

Beltex £160 Dykehead, £154 Upper Tinwald, £152 Dykehead, £145 Upper Tinwald.

Dutch Spotted £158 Coxhill.  

Charollais £150 Kimmeter Green, £143 Netherhill.  

Bleu du Maine £135 Hallburn.

Cheviot Mule £134 White Knowe.

Hampshire £132 Barnglies.

Oxford £132 Guards.

Blue Texel £131.50 Ellenbank.

A smaller entry of 2,823 cast ewes and rams. Heavy over fat ewes met a bit of resistance whilst handy weight light ewes were in serious demand. Numbers will tighten, and quantities are keenly sought after for the coming weeks sales.

Heavy ewes sold to £225 per head for Texel ewes from Huntley House.

Light ewes topped at £144 for Lleyns from D & L Steen, Coxhill, Moffat.

Rams topping at £200 for Texels from T Magnay, Galleywreay, Penrith.

Please do not hesitate to contact our auctioneers, who will be pleased to take your calls for all further enquiries or entries.

John Walton 07880527066

Sam Hogg 07584 207 323       


Texel £225 Huntley House, £220 Upper Huntley Wood, £218 Viewley, £212 Sharplaw, £210 Aimshaugh.  

Millenium Blue £182 Cubbyhill.

Suffolk £162 Viewley, £160 Beckfoot & Eastside, £156 Upper Huntley Wood, £150 The Land & Viewley.   

Bluefaced Leicester £156 Orchardton.

Charollais £155 Viewley, £154 Beckfoot, £152 Viewley.  

North Country Cheviot £148 Aimster, £143 Eastside, £142 Old Hall, £141 Aimster.    

Cheviot Mule £143 Springfield Farm Court, £138 High Stenries.  

Mule £134 Marygate & Leapsrigg, £132 Orchardton, Nunscleugh, Broomhills & High Stenries, £131 Broomhills & New Farm.


Lleyn £144, £128 Coxhill.

Easycare £134 Barnside, £131, £130 Blackhaugh, £125 Barnside.

Kerry Hill £134 Coxhill.

Hill Cheviot £127 Meadowside, £122, £105 Balnakeil, £105, £100 Ar Taigh.

Blackface £107 Rowanburnfoot, £106 Viewley & Galleywreay, £104 Maidencots, £100 Eastside.

Swaledale £100 Archerbeck & Spoutbank, £90 Sykehead.

Herdwick £95 The Wreay.


Texel £200 Galleywreay, £195 Viewley, £192 Camelford.      

Suffolk £188 Archerbeck, £178 Knock.

Bluefaced Leicester £188 Ettleton.   

Charollais £180 Chaseside.

Cheviot £148 Falnash.  

Blue Texel £145 Allfornaught.


Light to           300.0p (265.7p)
Standard to      348.0p (304.2p)
Medium to      348.0p (311.2p)
Heavy to         336.0p (300.3p)
Overweight to 301.0p (268.6p)

Light to           £144.00 (£90.17) 
Heavy to         £225.00 (£125.16)

Rams to           £200.00 (£130.71)


corresponding week 2021 sale report